Plant Bondage is a minimalist design created by York-based designer Light + Ladder. A collaboration with Fox Fodder Farm, Plant Bondage, an idea conceived by Taylor and Farrah takes a conceptual and sculptural approach to bringing nature inside the home. Drawing inspiration from the bonsai tradition of Kokedama, a practice which frees the plant of its traditional constraints, Plant Bondage explores the idea of capturing this original appealing aesthetic in a self-sustainable environment. (2)

Plant Bondage is a minimalist design created by York-based designer Light + Ladder. A collaboration with Fox Fodder Farm, Plant Bondage, an idea conceived by Taylor and Farrah takes a conceptual and sculptural approach to bringing nature inside the home. Drawing inspiration from the bonsai tradition of Kokedama, a practice which frees the plant of its traditional constraints, Plant Bondage explores the idea of capturing this original appealing aesthetic in a self-sustainable environment.