A Tailor's Ritual is a minimalist design created by Austria-based designer Chmara.Rosinke. A very intimate ritual of measuring the body and the trying on of a mock-up shirt by the customer – undertaken in a process of shirt-making- and presenting a ready made garment became our focus of interest in the Vienna Design Week Passionswege project. The final object tries to express the carefulness for quality of the manufacturer and heads to become a quiet director of the shirt-trying ritual. (1)

A Tailor’s Ritual is a minimalist design created by Austria-based designer Chmara.Rosinke. A very intimate ritual of measuring the body and the trying on of a mock-up shirt by the customer – undertaken in a process of shirt-making- and presenting a ready made garment became our focus of interest in the Vienna Design Week Passionswege project. The final object tries to express the carefulness for quality of the manufacturer and heads to become a quiet director of the shirt-trying ritual.