Rift Barstool is a minimalist barstool created by England-based designer George Riding. With a seat height of 780mm, this stool has been designed to create a simple yet elegant piece of furniture which is able to effortlessly take to a variety of social environments. The key aesthetic features come from the beautiful contrast created from using two different forms of steel extrusions. The flat sided oval tubing brings a sense of stability and assurance, whilst the familiar round tubing of the legs contributes to the elegant and petite aesthetic. The resulting form features a softness not associated with the material and instead compliments that seen in wood work. The petite mild steel frame can be powder coated in a variety of colors, from an under stated and classy black, to an out going powder blue which will subtly increases the charm of the piece. The seat of the stool is composed of ash which features a split detail in the middle to accommodate a handle to allow the stool to picked up easily and moved. The two halves of the seat are attached by being placed onto circular plates found at the top of the frame. George is looking to use the Rift Barstool as a platform in order to expand the form into a collection featuring other types of furniture.
View more works by George Riding