Anone Taiyuan Woodwork is a minimalist space located in Shanxi, China, designed by NDB DESIGN. The primary aim of the project was to showcase the intrinsic texture of wood and the craftsmanship involved, rather than merely presenting a polished, perfect product. By returning to the fundamentals, the design sought to explore the true essence of woodworking showrooms. Instead of creating novel forms, the focus was on simplifying and refining the form to its purest state, thereby highlighting the essential qualities of wood and its construction.
The core of the 32mm system lay in its modular and standardized approach to furniture manufacturing. Named after the 32mm spacing that formed its basic module, the system was centered around the cabinet side panels, which interacted with nearly all other components of cabinet furniture. The pre-drilled holes on these panels, spaced at 32mm intervals or multiples thereof, were categorized into structural and system holes, used for connecting horizontal boards and installing hardware, respectively. This system also employed the “symmetry principle” in the design and processing of installation holes on the side panels to enhance production efficiency, reduce costs, and enable versatile furniture combinations.
Renovation or preservation was a persistent question, driven fundamentally by cost considerations. Blindly following trends quickly led to obsolescence, necessitating extensive alterations and incurring significant costs—an unavoidable challenge for any commercial entity. To mitigate these costs, design strategies were adopted that reduced unnecessary expenses. Modular layouts, displays, and movable furniture designs were employed to adapt to various scenarios, audiences, and times, ensuring flexibility and sustainability in design.