Tegel is a collection of hand-tufted bouclé rugs from Swedish rug manufacturer Kasthall, designed in collaboration with 2023 Pritzker Prize-winning architect David Chipperfield. The collection juxtaposes Chipperfield’s clean, minimalist aesthetic with references to Kasthall’s historic brick headquarters and factory in Kinna, Sweden. Renowned for its expertise in creating high-quality rugs that blend traditional Swedish craftsmanship with modern design aesthetics, Kasthall partnered with the Chipperfield to deliver three design variants: Corner, Side and Centre, each with distinct color areas that influence space perception. The palette consists of earthy tones, reminiscent of the weathered bricks of the Kasthall factory. Merging modernity and tradition, each layered geometric composition achieves depth through a traditional hand-tufting technique that produces voluminous loops of both wool and linen. The collection’s clean lines and complimentary hues deliver both beauty and functionality to interior spaces.