Kitasenzoku Apartment is a minimalist residence located in Tokyo, Japan, designed by Tomoyuki Kurokawa Architects. This site is located within the shopping district near the university. An entrance hall is situated along with a town street and opened to the city, so that the open area can be used as a lecture space for the students, or as a casual drop-by space for any city residents. The common hallway from the entrance hall is also designed as the extending passage from the town street, equipped with benches, lightings and plants for creating the atmosphere of a city street. A shared space used by the students is also opened to this common hallway, producing a casual and inviting atmosphere for the staff members. The whiteboard paint finish of the wall in this space allows them to draw on the wall, promoting casual and daily discussions among students and staff members. There is a private space for the students separated by the tunnel-like space behind the staircase.
Photography by Takumi Ota