Affordance Series is a minimal collection of furniture designed by Seoul-based practice niceworkshop. Affordance refers to inducing human behavior and psychology. There is something that the intrinsic and external properties of a specific object convey to people. The user triggers a number of actions through this something. In other words, it means the possibility of linkage of uses, actions, and functions that occur according to a specific relationship between furnitures and users. Affordance Series borrows the form of ‘rollers’ and industrial ‘lifts’ of a conveyor belt where clear movements are repeated as ‘A device for using furniture’. These cues allow the user to take a natural action based on the user’s experience without any special explanation as to what actions are possible or what will happen. Through the Affordance Series, the designer hopes you will think about the ‘interaction between furniture and people’ that was unconsciously induced in daily life.

Photography by Jinseob Kim