Cordialement is a minimalist cafe located in Seoul, South Korea, designed by WARP AND WOOF. The philosophy behind Cordialement is akin to delivering a heartfelt letter in an envelope—it emphasizes the importance of presenting its products with care and sincerity. This approach resonates in an era dominated by fleeting, spectacular displays of entertainment, setting the café apart as a beacon of heartfelt and enduring values. Located near the historic Gyeongbokgung area, the café is situated in a neighborhood where old and new coexist in winding, narrow alleys that seem to slow the passage of time. Unlike typical commercial spaces, Cordialement’s entrance and its surroundings, filled with plants of various heights and widths, draw visitors in subtly. The interior is accessed via a staircase that leads guests gradually from the outside world to the intimate setting within. Upon entering, visitors encounter a long bar that sequentially hosts dessert and coffee preparation, a counter, display area, and merchandise sales. The design of the space intentionally shifts from an ambiguous sensory experience to a distinct one—engaging smell, hearing, sight, and touch—allowing visitors to slowly become acquainted with the brand.