Hiroo Residence is a minimal interior located in Tokyo, Japan, designed by Keiji Ashizawa for Karimoku Case Study. The Hiroo Residence Collection is located in the Hiroo district, within a renovation project that boasts a healthy and bright atmosphere close to a green park. The project, called the “crafted space,” has undergone renovations by the Keiji Ashizawa Design team, resulting in the creation of custom furniture pieces for the eighth collection of Karimoku Case Study. This collection aims to create more elaborate living spaces that are suitable for long-term stays, with a focus on reducing noise in the space. The residence is situated in a quiet and desirable neighborhood, with a park nearby and a living room that faces the open area on the south side, allowing for long hours of sunlight.
In response to the growing desire of urban dwellers to live closer to nature, the interior features white-stained oak floors and walls and plaster walls with handwork strokes. In collaboration with Karimoku, the team also designed walls, kitchen and cabinetry, and interior windows to improve the thermal environment, as well as furniture and sculptural art. The goal of this project was to craft an exquisite space with little noise and a comforting, inspiring atmosphere using natural materials with a focus on tactility. It is hoped that the Hiroo Residence will serve as a model for urban dwellers seeking a more harmonious connection with nature.
Photography by Karimoku