UNTITLED_01 is a minimalist light created by Stockholm-based designer Andreas Martin-Löf in collaboration with Konsthantverk. This collaboration, rooted in both craft and industry, seeks to bring a renewed sense of warmth and sophistication to contemporary spaces. Martin-Löf’s affinity for lamps and lighting design traces back to his childhood, fueling his eventual career trajectory which oscillated between architecture and theatre lighting design. This passion is evident in his latest endeavor which he describes as an instrumental element in crafting the ambiance of an interior space, lending both light and depth to its surroundings.

This series of lighting fixtures, baptized under the deliberately enigmatic name _UNTITLED, nods to the simple beginnings of each lamp’s design process, each originating from specific needs encountered in Martin-Löf’s previous architectural projects. This has resulted in lighting solutions that are not only aesthetically pleasing but have also proven their efficacy and adaptability in real-life settings, harmoniously assimilating into various environments and atmospheric conditions.

The _UNTITLED collection serves as more than mere objects occupying space; they are envisaged as lifelong companions, enhancing the ambiance with their gentle presence. The inaugural release from this collection, the UNTITLED_01, draws inspiration from the time-honored Swedish Triplex light, a personal heirloom inherited by Andreas from his grandfather. This series rejuvenates the iconic 1930s design, melding industrial elements with refined details, thereby fostering an emotional resonance with its users.